WOW Tip of the Week: Weight Loss and The New Year


With the Employee Weight Loss Challenge right around the corner, and weight loss being the #1 resolution in the New Year for most Americans, it is good to remember the concept of: slow and steady wins the race.

Trying to lose weight quickly with fad diets, deprivation, and detoxes may work for a short time, but research proves that a majority of people gain this weight back and more within two years.  I know if I spent the time, energy and money to lose weight I would want the hard work of that weight loss to last, not have to turn around and have to try something else in a year.

In order to be successful at weight loss, it might be a couple big changes that you make, or it might be a few small changes.  Strategies will be different for everyone depending on your situation.  One small step could be just keeping track of what you eat in a food journal.  Another would be committing to exercising 15 minutes each day.

Be mindful of healthy weight loss, which is about 1-2 pounds per week.

With the New Year approaching, think about sustainable changes you can make that will have a positive impact on your weight, along with your overall health.