WOW Tip of the Week – Use the resources around you

Sometimes it is easy to forget about the fitness resources we have around us.  Out of sight, out of mind. Take a look around the organization and see what resources you can tap into that will help maintain or improve your fitness level during the winter months.

Here are a few tips:

  • Use the employee gym.  This is a wonderful resource for all employees and it is FREE of charge + it is open 24/7.  It’s a breeze to hop on a bike, treadmill and elliptical for a few minutes during the day. Get a badge from the ED desk to let you in to the gym if you are working out after hours.  If you work at a satellite, check with your therapy department on their policy of using gym equipment during non patient hours.
  • Walk the halls on your break and/or lunch.  If the gym isn’t your thing, take a brisk walk around the halls of the organization.  Create a loop that you like, grab a co-worker or two, and catch up on each other’s happenings while you walk.
  • Use the stairs.  Go up and down the stairs a few extra times in  row or just more frequently throughout the day.  You burn more calories than walking on level ground and it also gives a little boost to your tush.