WOW Tip of the Week-Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast cancer ribbon

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Chances are pretty good that you know someone who has suffered from breast cancer or who is currently undergoing care for breast cancer.  Take time this month to support those you know in the fight against breast cancer.

According to the Mayo Clinic:  The best way to fight breast cancer is to have a plan that helps you detect the disease in its early stages.  Create an early detection plan which should include regular self-exams, clinical breast exams and mammograms based on your age and health history.  Talk to your provider about a plan that is best for you.  The key is to have a plan.

Some risk factors are not modifiable, such as age, sex, family history, early menarche, late menopause, etc.  But there are many steps you can take to help prevent breast cancer. You can start by adopting healthy habits.  Lifestyle changes have been shown in studies to decrease breast cancer risk even in high-risk women.  Here are some steps you can take to lower your risk:

  • Limit alcohol
  • Don’t smoke
  • Control your weight
  • Be physically active
  • Breastfeed if you can
  • Limit dose and duration of hormone therapy
  • Avoid exposure to radiation and environmental pollution

Talk with your provider about your personal situation and preferences when it comes to detecting breast cancer.

Sources: and