Would you rather…

be friends with Oprah or Simon Cowell?

43 of you would rather be friends with Oprah versus Simon, 8 opted for neither!

have a personal butler or chef?

overwhelming answer was chef at 70. Maybe those who voted for the butler were hoping they were a chef too! 😉

go to the pool or lake?

we live in the state of 10k+ lakes and most of you opted for the lake (63). There are some pool people out there, 22 of you answered.

have pancakes or waffles?

waffles was the more popular answer 40 versus 33 voting for pancakes.

never speak again or always say what is on your mind?

Speaking up was the most voted answer at 50 versus 15 who would never speak again.

travel by a plane or car?

Most would rather travel by a plane (52) than by car (32).

Next up? This or That… tell us what you think!