WellnessFirst-Employee Wellness-Minutes

WellnessFirst-Employee Wellness-Minutes

Date: 9/15/2015, 12:30-1:30pm, Mtg Rm 2

Attendance: Melissa Merrick, Kristie Picha, Jody Brown, Barb Ennis (conference), Deb Wright

Agenda item Notes Action Items
Financials $703.18 remaining dollars to use by the end of the year.
Healthy Selfie Challenge in August 24 photos submitted. 2 winners:   Kate Olson-Most Inspirational, Vanessa Reilly-Most Creative. They each received a selfie stick.Committee members were sent a power point with all photos and asked to vote.
Health Milestones ChallengeThe purpose of the challenge is to become familiar with some of your baseline numbers and to motivate you to make healthy lifestyle changes. October 5th – December 4th It was shortened due to running into Christmas so if 9 weeks long.Must turn in final milestone sheet by December 9th. Must have a witness sign that items were completed. No private information will be collected but there must be a witness sign that items were completed. Weight/Body Fat/BMI must be done on a Tanita scale here at FLHS at various locations.Employees will get points for completing certain milestones.

·         Lipid panel – 25 points

·         Health Risk Assessment – 25 points

·         Weight, Body Fat, BMI – 20 points

·         Blood pressure – 15 points

·         Waist circumference – 10 points

·         Set a SMART health goal – 10 points

·         Currently using an online tool or mobile app to assist with your health – 10 points

Point Brackets: 6 winners total

·         115-95 = three different drawings: $125 iTunes card, $125 PD’s gift certificate, FitBit watch

·         65-90 = two different drawings: $50 iTunes cards

·         45-60 = $25 iTunes card

Approximately $515 dollars used for this challenge.

Melissa: check with cardiac on use of Tanita scale on M, W Th, Fri at clinic.Kristie: find a location at the clinic to keep the scale during the challenge timeframe.Deb: finalize challenge details and forms.

Deb: will get confirmation from Karen in lab when and if they are doing the lab draws as this was uncertain at the time of setting up the challenge.

Employee Survey Have a survey for employees to complete at the upcoming benefits fair on the 19th. This will help with 2016 planning.Off sites will get a paper copy of the survey. We will also email it or have it on the intranet.Employees who complete the survey will go into a drawing for a chance to win one of two gift certificates-Lee’s Pro Shop and PD’s Embroidery. Deb will need someone from the committee to be at this table from 2-4 as I am unavailable due to the WELLkids program at Trailview. Can split shifts.
Other 2016 planning/goals will occur at the November meeting.
Next Meeting: Tuesday October 6th, 12:30pm-1:30pm in Mtg rm 2