Weight Loss Participants – BONUS WEIGH IN OPTION!

Any weight loss challenge participant who weighs in starting TODAY through NEXT FRIDAY FEBRUARY 19TH and turns in their printout to Deb will be entered into one drawing for a piece of awesome FirstLight gear! (see below). Printout must be received by end of day Monday February 22nd.  Winner will be drawn on February 23rd.

Satellite staff: I understand the challenge of getting to a scale at the satellite clinics so if you absolutely cannot get to one of the three Tanita scales during this timeframe you can use any scale at your clinic to get your weight, write it on a sheet of paper, and have someone initial it as a witness.  No home scales please. 🙂

Don’t forget to add your name and date you weighed on the printout! 

This weigh in will not count toward any points in the challenge; it is only to help keep people on track and aware of how they are doing.

Turn in your slips to Deb Wright in Wellness.

Location of  Tanita scales:  Wellness Office, Cardiac Stress Testing Room at the Mora Clinic, Dietitian’s office or in the storeroom kitty-corner from their office.


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