Walk Your Socks Off-Log Sheets Due WEDNESDAY December 14th

Please turn in your log sheets with your walking minutes and beginning/final weight by Wednesday December 14th  if you want to qualify for a pair of socks and a bonus prize.

Forward your walking log sheets to Deb in Wellness or stop down to the Wellness office (HR hallway, last door on your right).  You can pick up your socks if you check in with Deb before Thursday December 15th (times in the office vary).  Starting December 16th you can get your socks in HR.

Colors available: orange, yellow, purple, pink, green, blue (not pictured).  First come, first served with the colors.

Socks are the #1 clothing item requested at homeless shelters.  Through our purchase of socks, 130 pairs were donated by this company to homeless shelters across America.