Travis Nehowig

Meet Travis Nehowig
Position: PT Student
Start Date: 5/16/16
Birthday: 6/23
Background/Educations: B.S. Exercise Physiology - College of St. Scholastica. M.S. Exercise Physiology - College of St. Scholastica. D.P.T. Physical Therapy (current) - College of St. Scholastica.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? Getting to practice skills that I have learned on real patients and working in a smaller community hospital.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Tommy Boy 2. Dumb & Dumber 3. Batman
What is your favorite color? Blue
Do you have a nickname? None
What are your hobbies?: I enjoy all kinds of sports. I played football, hockey, and baseball in high school (and played football in college). I also like to spend weekends in the summer at my family's cabin.