Travis Fransen

Meet Travis Fransen
Position: Pharmacy Student
Start Date: 12/19/16
Birthday: 11/14
Background/Educations: Graduated Milaca High School in 2009, and then from University of Minnesota-Duluth in 2013 with a B.S. in Chemistry. Currently finishing my last semester of pharmacy school at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I did a rotation here in summer of 2015 so I'm excited to come back and help patients now that I'm a little more experienced with classwork and rotations!
What are your three favorite movies? 1. American Hustle 2. The Dark Knight/Rises 3. The Big Short
What is your favorite color? Lime Green
What are your hobbies?: I enjoy golfing, working out, watching or playing most sports, reading, and spending time with friends. I also enjoy touring and trying local craft breweries.