This or that

Fun answers from everyone, see results below –

Coffee or Tea?

87 to 16 with 4 responding neither and 6 responding for both

Dogs or cats?

71 to 33, apparently dogs rule and cats drool? 10 of you like both and 1 doesn’t like either

Early bird catches the worm or do you hoot with the owls?

53 of you get up early and 52 of you like to stay up late… 10 could do either!

Sunsets are the best according to our Welia Health family

64 of you prefer a sunset versus a sunrise, with 18 appreciating them both.

Soda drinkers — a regular can of soda was picked versus diet

49 to 45. There were 15 of you who wouldn’t pick either (way to be healthy!!)

Introvert or extrovert – pretty much half and half

Of those that answered, 49 of you think you’re an introvert and 50 of you think you’re an extrovert, 15 said a little of both.