Thank you to the Mora Half Marathon/5k FLHS Water Stop Volunteers!

A BIG thank you for these employees that braved the weather on Saturday, August 20th to help at the FirstLight water stop!  Rhonda Felland, Marcee Nilson, June Juday, Shelly Kroschel, Sheila Peterson, Sandy Zutz-Wiczek and family, Brent Nihart and family, Angela Mann, Kim Tepley and family, and Deb Wright.

Although it was raining and a little chilly, we somehow had a blast.  The runners and spectators appreciated us as well.  At the very end while we were cleaning up, a gentleman stopped by and attempted to give a financial donation to help cover any expenses because he enjoyed the entertainment so much provided by our group and the event!

And kudos to our own Jen Peterson for organizing such a great community event!

2016 Rhonda handing cups2016 FL group under canopy