Taylor Johnson

Meet Taylor Johnson
Position: Summer Intern
Start Date: 6/4/18
Birthday: 8/20
Background/Educations: I am currently attending the University of Minnesota Duluth. I will be graduating this December with my Healthcare Management degree.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I'm excited to be an intern again for FirstLight, this time in a different department. I'm looking forward to learning more skills and meeting new people!
What are your three favorite movies? 1. All of the Pirates of the Carribbeans
What is your favorite color? Grey and Navy
What are your hobbies?: I try to spend as much time as I can by the lake, whether it's just a walk on the shore or going out on the boat. I enjoy spending time with my friends and my family, no matter what we're doing. I work part time at a golf course, so I occasionally golf as well.