April Environmental Challenge

April is known for Earth day. We can make conscious efforts to focus on our environmental health this month by making small lifestyle changes that benefit the planet.

Sometimes a “zero waste” lifestyle or sustainability journey can seem really out of reach, but the truth is that making sustainability swaps doesn’t have to be difficult or costly! Even a few small changes can make a big difference. Here are a few you can consider this Earth Month:

Spend time in nature. Last but not least, spend time in the great outdoors as you celebrate this big, blue beauty we call Mother Earth. This is a great way to mitigate some climate anxiety, renew your sense of wonder and hope for the world, and honor the planet in all its glory.

Today through the end of the month, we challenge you to do one thing to support environmental health. Take a picture of your efforts and share with Paige Nelson at pnelson@welia.org. All participants will receive a seedling tree to take home!