September 2009 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

September 23, 2009

Attendance: Randy Ulseth, Diane Bankers, Myrna Sampson, Bill Kellogg, Sue Belford, Pat Runquist, Katie Kerr, Brent Thompson, Jo DeFeyter, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Fran Kacon, Kris Bombard, Deb Wright, Karen Renaud, Dawn Plested

Absent: Chris Kimbler, Gordy Forbort, Bob Woods, Mike Pintar

Hospital Board Update/ Financial Update/ Randy Ulseth

  • Radiology expansion project presentation was presented by Chris Kimbler
  • ED quality study findings were reviewed.
  • Discussion on hospital bylaws and the make up of the Nominating committee for hospital board positions.
  • Discussion on property located at 419 E. Forest Ave. Recommendation was to not make an offer at this time.
  • Memorial golf tournament held in honor of Chris Walsh – monies collected will be used for a scholarship in the spring on his behalf.
  • Financials for August were right on budget, September is starting out slow.

Human Resources Update/Kim Carlson

  • Kim presented information on employment applications and where they are located on the public folder. A cheat sheet was also distributed. All applications will be found in the various department folders and there will be no more paper applications distributed by way of the “purple” folders. Questions, see Kim
  • All Students/job shadow requests, questions, concerns and applications are to be reviewed and submitted through Kim.
  • Press Ganey results are in. Kim will be meeting with Randy, Chris, Gordy and Ellen on Monday to deliver the overall Facility results. In the next couple of weeks, meetings will be scheduled with managers to go through individual department results. More information forthcoming.
  • PTO/PTX: A sub-team met on 9/14 to discuss definitions and guidelines. A draft update to the policy will be created and approved through the Policy & Procedure committee. Hope to have a final draft by next meeting.
  • HR has been previewing companies that provide eDirect Deposit Advances. This will eliminate the need to print, stuff, seal and go to the Admitting Desk to pick up direct deposit notices. We will be moving forward with this Green Initiative and will be communicating information to the staff as we move closer to going live.

Green Team Update/Ellen Ryan

  • The Green Team recently met to review the current goals set at the initial meeting and review advances that have taken place in 2009. Many departments have made significant changes to help reduce waste.
  • Looking for new ideas to set goals for 2010. Ideas may be submitted by completing a Green Team form located on the intranet.
  • In 2010, the Green Team will be deciding on what certification Kanabec Hospital will proceed with.


  • Reminder that the presentation on Identity Theft must be viewed by all employees. Contact Sue Belford or Ellen Ryan if you would like to have them present at a staff meeting.
  • Katie Kerr announced that we are the 1st Critical Access Hospital to receive a stage 6 designation for excellence in electronic medical record adoption. Only 57 out of the more than 5,000 hospitals tracked by HIMSS Analytics has achieved this designation. Congratulations to all!!!
  • Diane Bankers reported that the education on the EDM module is going well. Live date is October 27th.
  • JCAHO has put out information on hall decorations relating to fire hazards. Check with Bill if you have questions or concerns on what is allowed.
  • RPAP student, Kelsey Hultman will be starting on October 5th. She will be on a 9 month rotation.
  • New hospital wide orientation schedule starts in January.
  • New lab intern starts on Monday.
  • Encourage staff to use the intranet, currently we have two-thirds of employees routinely logging on.
  • Community newsletter is being printed, will be mailed out the week of October 5th.
  • Men’s health event October 22nd.
  • Women’s health event November 5th.
  • Patient Identification Policy has been revised to reflect wristband color standardizations. Blue band signifying DNR/DNI will be changed a purple band on October 1st to be consistent with MHA guidelines.