Pine City All-Clinic Staff Meeting; December 17, 2015

FirstLight Health System

Pine City All Clinic Meeting Agenda

December 17, 2015




Sandy Zutz-Wichek



Drs. Cady at PCC – Update

The Cady’s will start seeing patients in Pine City 2 Mondays a month.

January – 2nd and 4th Mondays

February – 1st and 2nd Mondays

They will continue to see patients in Mora on Fridays.

LEEP and Colp exams can only be scheduled in Mora.

When urodynamics are added, those appointments will only be scheduled in Mora also.


Additional ED / US Staff

2 new providers have been hired to support Urgency Services.

They will begin their training in Mora. Will move to Pine City when ready.

2016 Patient Experience Goals

This topic will be added to the meeting

The patient experience questions and answers will be shared.

Last month’s CG CAPS scores were shared. Many of the categories were in the green. Awesome work everyone!


FirstLight has providers giving talks about different health issues

More information will come via the Intranet




Leann McMullen



Pine City CT / Xray

Xray and CT are busier now with Urgency Services

October 182 x-ray exams / 44 CT exams

November – 168 x-ray exams / 48 CT exams

December has had a slow start

Pine City Ultrasound

Ultrasound schedules are now open on Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons.

If no patients are scheduled, imaging will check provider schedules to see if there is a possibility of an add-on.

If no possibility of an add-on, US tech will be sent to Mora to help with the patient load.


Breast Screening Quality Goal

We are at 82%.

We are now sending no answer patient’s letters with a mystery gift coupon. Four mystery gift coupons have been redeemed.

We are creating a list of the patients that refuse their mammograms.

This list is sent to Dawn Brown who will distribute to the providers. Perhaps the providers can encourage these patients to have their mammograms.

We only need approximately 80 more patients to have their mammograms in order to meet the goal of 86.5%.


Additional appointments will be available

These appointments will be added on the mornings that the Cady’s are in Pine City.

Children’s Hospital Image Sharing

FirstLight is now able to share images with Children’s Hospital.

Providers would be able to have imaging send the images and then call Children’s and set up a consult with one of the providers there.

Leann to send out a workflow with phone numbers.

PACS Upgrade

Going live on January 12.

Icons will be pushed out to all providers, all patient rooms, Rehab




Karen Renaud




Phlebotomist has been hired for Pine City

New temp will start on Jan. 4 or before.

DCA Interfaces

DCA interfaces are now working

What does this mean? HgbA1c results cross into the computer when completed and auto-verify.   These results no longer need to be reviewed by lab staff. This will decrease TAT.




Stacey Heins



Hinckley Phone Lines

Patients have been calling 2 different phone numbers, an agent line and a private line. This is causing a disruption in patient care.

The private line will have a message directing the patient to call the agent line. This change will occur on 12-22.




Garrett Estenson



Cardiac Rehab Orders

300 cardiac orders blew into rehab last week.

Of those 300, only 15 patients had not been seen. Those patients are being contacted.

Holter and event monitor appointments are now available in Pine City.

Crutches / Walkers / Canes

All these supplies are to be billed to Pine City Medical Supply

Make sure to fill out the paperwork.   PC Med Supply will bill insurance.




Julie Ray




.8 specialty nurse has been hired.

Many staff with FMLA – it has been challenging to cover their shifts.


Open positions

1.0   resource LPN

Casual RN/LPN


Spread the word!


Winter survival kit brochure handed out


Please do not park south of the dumpster

We need to keep this area open in the event that the helicopter needs to land.

Next Meeting – January 21, 2015 from 12:15 to 12:45