PERA will be hosting virtual Webinars, please note the presenters from PERA will be virtual.  All employees beginning on Tuesday, April 20th can attend a webinar with multiple ways to participate with multiple days/times:

  1. You can attend a webinar virtually from any location including home, satellite clinics, or from your office, just click on the attachment and select the date that works for you and select that registration link
  2. You can come to the meeting rooms, Mora campus location, to attend one of the virtual webinars, space is limited so please email HR at to reserve your spot, just please email your name, date & time you would like to participate
  3. The Webinar will be uploaded onto the employee intranet so staff can watch after April 20th to get the information and then follow up with any questions directly to PERA members service center

IMPORTANT:  Please note Retirement Benefit Estimates for all staff will be created and mailed to all employees who are actively participating in the PERA plan by April 12.  PERA is encouraging staff to wait until after they receive their estimates to attend a webinar or to call PERA Member Services. 

Please feel free to reach out to HR at anytime if you have any questions,

Date Time Registration Link
Tuesday, April 20 7:30 am
Tuesday, April 20 12:30 pm
Thursday, April 22 11:30 am
Thursday, April 22 3:30 pm
Monday, April 26 11:30 am
Monday, April 26 1:30 pm