Paige Bixby

Meet Paige Bixby
Position: Imaging Student
Start Date: 1/12/18
Birthday: 1/1
Background/Educations: Attending St. Cloud State University. Going for Bachelor's in Science for Radiologic Technician. I'm on my third year.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I am excited to learn all the things that a radiologic technician does and that pertains to them. I know a lot of time things are left out or you might not think they would do in a regulard work day.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Wonder Woman 2. Bones (series) 3. Grey's Anatomy (series)
What is your favorite color? Orange
What are your hobbies?: Drawing, painting, learning about anatomy, spending time with my younger cousins, and just learning new things.