Privacy and Security Reminder from Sue

privacy and security red panelNo tailgating!   FirstLight Health System has locked doors that require you to use either a key, badge, or to enter a code.  Don’t undermine security by letting someone else tailgate in behind you through the door. And don’t put your coworker in an awkward position by trying to tailgate or piggyback through on his or her entry. It may feel uncomfortable to force people you know to use their own access credentials, but that’s the rule. You’re protecting the physical security of the building or secure area, as well as protecting the computer systems and information inside.

Since this has gone out, I’ve had a few questions regarding allowing someone who walks in with you enter the building with your access code.  Yes, many of us are coming through especially on shift changes the very same time.  If you know the person, it is fine to open the door or even hold it to allow the next one in.  If there is ever a question on who the person is, don’t hesitate to ask.  Always be observant in all locations and especially sensitive areas.


Meet New Employee – Sarah Mackay

Meet Sarah Mackay
Position: Radiologic Technologist
Start Date: 20150914
Birthday: 20150918
Background/Educations: I recently graduated from Century College where I studied Radiologic Technology.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I am excited to get to know my co-workers, help the patients, and get started as a radiology technologist.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Sound of Music
What is your favorite color? Blue
Do you have a nickname? None
What are your hobbies?: Horseback riding and outdoor activities with family.

Meet New Employee – Bill Asmus

Meet Bill Asmus
Position: Environmental Services Supervisor
Start Date: 20150824
Birthday: 20151007
Background/Educations: I graduated from Isle High School, attended St. Johns University and then moved to Mora. I have spent the last 8 years working as a project manager at RJ Mechanical here in Mora. I have also worked on the Fire Department here for the last 10 years.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I am excited to become part of the FirstLight Health System because everyone that I know who works here tells me they love working here. It also allows me to help provide service to our community while being part of a wonderful and well respected team.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Major League 2. Miracle 3. Braveheart
What is your favorite color? Red/Orange
Do you have a nickname? None
What are your hobbies?: Spending time with my wife and children, hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, biking, kayaking, running, playing and watching sports. I am also on the fire department here in Mora.

Meet New Employee – Brenda Moos

Meet Brenda Moos
Position: Director of Revenue Cycle
Start Date: 20150824
Birthday: 20150127
Background/Educations: 38 years working in various revenue cycle departments.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I hear many great things about working at FirstLight from employees and in the community.
What are your three favorite movies? Not much of a movie buff - give me a good book anytime
What is your favorite color? Pink (sparkly)
Do you have a nickname? None
What are your hobbies?: Reading, traveling, shopping - estate sales, and playing with my hyper-active dog.

Test Post In New EVS Category

Etiam urna arcu, convallis quis mollis a, congue et quam. Mauris lacinia elit at commodo convallis. Praesent tincidunt pharetra cursus. Duis ullamcorper imperdiet dui ac volutpat. Cras eu aliquet risus. Nunc eu ex tristique, iaculis elit eget, ullamcorper ex. Proin volutpat malesuada magna, vitae mollis ante sodales et. Nunc et lorem lacus.