October 2009 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

October 28, 2009

Attendance: Dawn Plested, Sue Belford, Fran Kacon, Bill Kellogg, Bob Woods, Kris Bombard, Chris Kimbler, Kim Carlson, Myrna Sampson, Diane Bankers, Pat Runquist, Jo DeFeyter, Brent Thompson, Gordy Forbort, Karen Renaud

Absent: Randy Ulseth, Katie Kerr, Ellen Ryan

Hospital Board Update/ Chris Kimbler

  • An education presentation was given on Kanabec Hospital’s Fall prevention program by C. Teichroew.
  • A presentation was given on the Imaging build out/remodel.
  • Craig Schultz discussed the Levy Renewal for the Mora School District.
  • Changes in the hospital bylaws were discussed.
  • Administrator’s report was presented.

Financial Update/Gordy Forbort

  • Gordy presented the financials for September. Overall, it was a slower than normal month with ER visits over budget.
  • October has started out busier than September.
  • Budgets have been distributed and are to be turned in to Gordy by Friday, October 30th.

Human Resources/Kim Carlson

  • Press Ganey results have been reviewed with the administrative team. Overall, 61% participated in the survey
  • Strengths were reviewed along with a list of opportunities to work on. Next step will be for managers to meet with Kim and one of the senior managers to review specific department results. Randy will then attend department staff meetings to discuss action plans. Kim will be sending additional information to set up times to meet.
  • A performance evaluation template will be sent out to managers so that employees can start filling out the Employee Self Evaluation and managers can begin filling out the Employee Performance reviews.
  • Policy on Short Notice PTO has been updated and will be approved at the Policy Committee meeting. Managers are to review the updated policy with staff.

COO Update/Chris Kimbler

  • Chris Kimbler presented an update on the H1N1 and reviewed the significant changes to our hospital plan. Employees may return back to work if they have gone 24 hours without a fever using no medication. Employees are to check the intranet for the latest updates.
  • Discussion on disruptive behavior. The new employee orientation beginning in January will include training on disruptive behavior, harassment and violence in the workplace.
  • Discussion was held on the solicitation and/or requests of items being sold in the hospital. This item will be added to the November department manager agenda.
  • Code of Conduct policy was reviewed and will be presented to Medical Staff and at the Hospital board meeting in November.

Medicare Fraud Training/Sue Belford

  • Sue Belford presented information on Medicare Fraud training. All employees will need to attend a training session and sign off. It is a requirement of the CMS. Various dates and times will be posted for employees to attend a session. The meetings should only last about 15 minutes.


  • Med Learn will be here November 17th – 19th to review Critical Access chargemaster. Sue will let managers know the times.
  • Physical Therapy will be starting in Hinckley the middle of November – Dana Ostrom will be the PT working up there.
  • Reminder that job shadows need to be part of a formal school program – questions, see HR.
  • EDM went live on Wednesday, October 28th.
  • Pager issues are being worked on – critical area employees have received new pagers.
  • There will be a benefit for Jan Nestrud on November 20th. Flyers are posted throughout the Hospital.

Kris Bombard, Recorder