October 2010 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

October 27, 2010

Attendance: Myrna Sampson, Bill Kellogg, Fran Kacon, Pat Runquist, Kim Carlson, Kris Bombard, Deb Wright, Sue Belford, Dawn Plested, Katie Kerr, Ellen Ryan, Brent Thompson, Jo DeFeyter, Chris Kimbler, Jen Peterson, Diane Bankers, Gail Lobdell, Erlene Randall, Erik Olson, Ella Sampson, Jill Sawyer, Melynda Harjes, Cindy Teichroew, Karen Renaud, Randy Ulseth.

Branding Presentation/Brian Russell/Carol Herder/Dawn Plested

  • Branding presentation was given to department managers and supervisors. They were given an overview of the process and rationale used to develop the new name and logo. “FirstLight Health System”.

Hospital Board/Financial Update – Randy Ulseth

  • Branding presentation was given to hospital board members and the new name was approved. County board also approved changing the name.
  • Randy presented information on the physician recruitment package and the changes that are being made to become more appealing to potential candidates.
  • Pine City Building update was given. Construction remains on schedule.
  • Reviewed financials for September. Similar results as previous months.

Presentation on Change/Judy Treharne – Consultant

  • Judy Treharne, Interim Guidance and Leadership Consultant presented a power point presentation on the process of change, negotiating change and the cycles of life to help transition from separate entities to one health system.


  • A revised and updated policy and procedure on Identity Theft is available on the public folder under Administration policies. Please take time to review it with your staff. Any questions see Ellen Ryan.
  • American Pharmacists Month – October
  • Physical Therapy Month – October
  • Benefit fair in meeting rooms, Friday, October 29th 1 – 4 pm.
  • Katie reported that PC’s were installed at the Mora clinic last week and on Thursday and Friday, October 28th and 29th they will be installed in Hinckley.
  • Employee Silent Auction – Tuesday, December 7th – start thinking about auction items.
  • Women’s Health Event, Thursday – October 28th.