October 2012 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

October 24, 2012

Attendance: Randy Ulseth, Erik Olson, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Dawn Plested, David Amundson, Karen Renaud, Sue Belford, Katie Kerr, Mark Vizenor, Pat Runquist

Absent: Brent Thompson, Jo DeFeyter, Bob Woods, Diane Bankers


  • Deb Wright gave a Wellness First presentation the Board members
  • CEO goals and accomplishments were reviewed through the 3rd quarter
  • Urgent Care build out discussion was held. Meeting scheduled with DSGW architect to start the planning process
  • FirstCare Charity Care policy and procedure was reviewed and approved with a few changes
  • Physical Therapy Manager has been hired; he will be starting on November 12th
  • Quality update was given by Ellen

FINANCE – David Amundson

  • David reported on the September financials. It was another good month with admissions and patient days above budget. We continue to keep operating expenses in line. Great job for the first nine months of 2012
  • Budget information has been distributed –due back to Ella or David by Friday, October 26th. Feel free to contact either with any questions

PEOPLE– Kim Carlson

  • Discussion was held on working from home. Security issues and expectations of managers were also discussed
  • Annual performance review time has arrived. Same format as last year. Employees are to fill out self evaluations and managers will then complete employee evaluations. Request to have them filled out electronically if possible. Managers and supervisors will also be completing 360 performance evaluations
  • Goals for each employee for 2013 should include a patient satisfaction or customer service goal
  • Employee Partnership survey will be mailed out to employees next week. Due back on November 26th with results the middle of December. Promote participation within your departments
  • Discussion on tuition/seminar reimbursement. Kim is drafting a policy and gathering additional information. More to come at next month’s meeting

QUALITY- Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen updated the managers on the meningitis concern. Patient letters were sent out on Wednesday. Please refer to the employee scripting that was sent out last week for additional information


  • Mark reported that the State Fire Marshall recommends that we do not use ANY space heaters. An email will be sent out to all employees pertaining to space heaters along with information on holiday decorations
  • Jeff Smith has been hired as the Environmental Services Supervisor
  • There is now an on call pager number on inforad that can be used to contact Environmental Services if there is something that needs attention
  • Health Care Engineering Week


  • Department manager meeting for November has been rescheduled for Wednesday, December 5th
  • Health Fair, Thursday, October 25th – Trailview School. Everyone is welcome
  • Reminder that Business Associates need to be signed by vendors if they are viewing our PHI. Contact Sue Belford if there are questions
  • Silent Auction Baskets are due on November 27th – Auction is Thursday, November 29th. Departments are asked to donate a basket or an item.
  • Business Office queue went live on Monday
  • Region D HIM District meeting will be here on Friday
  • Betty Bartelma is retiring – celebration is Friday, November 2nd
  • Disaster drill was conducted on October 15th –involving Ogilvie race track and several agencies. A thank you for everyone that was involved