October 2015 Leadership Minutes

Attendance: Becky Gallik, Leann McMullen, Kim Tepley, Garrett Estenson, Kris Bombard, Mark Vizenor, Sandy Zutz-Wiczek, Karen Renaud, Stacy Heins, Randy Ulseth, Diane Bankers, Heather Sanftner, Ellen Ryan, Julie Ray, Brent Thompson, Brenda Moos, Jill Sawyer, Gordy Forbort.

Absent: Bob Woods, Jo DeFeyter, Kim Carlson

Jill Sawyer and Brett Anderson presented an update and power point on the story of Little Royce. It had been presented at the October 20th Emergency Nurse’s Association Conference and will also be presented at the North Memorial Long Hot Summer Conference in March. Great Job to all those involved in saving Royce’s life!

  •  ADMINISTRATION -Randy Ulseth
     Jen Peterson gave a presentation on the Care Coordination Program
     Pine City and Mora Campus building project updates
     Real Estate purchase update – working on buying houses around the vicinity of the hospital
     Pine City Urgency Services update – average of 15 patients/day
  •  CFO Update/Gordy Forbort
     Gordy presented the financials for September. Discussion on statistics from 2005 and where they are at in 2015. It has been a good year and staff are doing great with controlling expenses.
  •  COO UPDATE/Sandy Zutz-Wiczek
     AIDET cards were distributed to managers. Additional information on the expectations and time frame will be distributed to the managers.
     Reminder to complete Employee Engagement Survey when it arrives.
     Two new ACP’s have been hired and will start in November. They will rotate between the ED and the Urgency Services in Pine City.
     Dr. Donner will be starting full time in Pine City on November 10th.
     Dr. Niskanen has taken over the role of CMO, Dr. Donner is the SMO.
  •  QUALITY – Ellen Ryan
     Ellen reviewed the following policies: Drug and Alcohol policy, Code of Conduct and Mission Statement, Scope of Care. Managers are to share will your staff and review the changes.
  •  OTHER
     Rob Almengdinger from North is helping in the Ambulance department.
     Lab is still waiting for the COLA inspection.
     Ellen is working on the service goals for 2016. Third quarter service goals are being finalized and will then be used to help develop the 2016 service goals.
     Ellen will be contacting department managers about the intra-cycle monitoring process that will need to be completed for Joint Commission.
     Ultra sound will be in Pine City next week – 2 ½ days/week. CT and X-ray continue to be busy in Pine City as well.
     Latest version of the Behaviors of Excellence will be emailed out to managers and supervisors for feedback.
     Holiday Party is scheduled for January 23, 2016.
     Silent Auction 12/8
     Christmas Tea – 12/17
     Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Friday, October 30th.
     Food packaging event is this weekend – distributed to the local community
     Community Coin Drive – encourage employees to donate some coins.
     Turkey cards can be turned in to Ronda Jannett if you are not using them.
     4 new billboards have been placed in I-35.
     ICD 10 is going well
     Two new nurses have been hired.
     Reminder to submit Community Benefit Forms to Ellen.
     Budgets should be returned to Gordy by the end of next week. Contact him if you would like to discuss your department’s budget