October 2014 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

October 2014

Attendance: Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Diane Bankers, Stacey Heins, Dave Schlicher, Kim Carlson, Garrett Estenson, Mark Vizenor, Randy Ulseth, Ella Stenstrom, Julie Ray, Brent Thompson, Karen Renaud, Leann McMullen, Robert Woods, Jo DeFeyter, Kris Bombard

GROWTH – Randy Ulseth

  • A meet and greet by Dr. Mullin at the Board meeting. Jessica Olen, RPAP student also was in attendance.
  • Update on the Pine City Building project, Pine City Pharmacy. They are doing 100 scripts a day.
  • Brent Thompson, Joe Dvorak presented to the Board on 340B program, Flu vaccines, and the Pine City pharmacy.
  • Evidence Based Leadership goal setting discussion. Organization goals will be presented at the November Board meeting.
  • Update on Marketing and Clinic Administrator positions.

FINANCE – Ella Stenstrom

  • Ella presented information on the September financials. September was a busy month. October is also looking to be a solid financial month.
  • Ella has been meeting with managers to review budgets. October 31st is the deadline to complete the budget process. Contact Ella if you have additional questions or concerns.

QUALITY – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen presented a PowerPoint on Ebola Preparedness.
  • Influenza update was given. Flu Clinics are scheduled and flyers are posted throughout the organization.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Employee Engagement Survey – 58% completed survey. Results will be shared in a few weeks.
  • Employee Appraisal Update – Staff will see information on the process around the second week of November.
  • Leadership Assessment – Kim reviewed the levels of leadership. Leadership Assessment survey will be sent out very shortly.
  • Employee Illness reminder – if an employee is gone less than three days, they need to fill out a report of illness and turn into his/her manager, if ill for more than 3 days – they need a Dr’s note to return to work.


  • Teams gave updates in the areas of Standards of Behavior, Clinic Operations, Patient Experience and Support Services.
  • Kim distributed the book titled “Culture of High Performance” as part of the Studer Initiative. More information to come.
  • Discussion on what to call the FirstLight Studer Initiative. A committee has been formed and will meet to decide on a name.


  • Randy recognized Kim for her ASHHRA Outstanding Chapter Officer Award.
  • Ella updated staff on the changes in HIM and the Billing/Coding offices.
  • Clinic has new nurses starting and they are receiving training.
  • Jenny Friday has transitioned to nurse educator/coordinator for patients with chronic illnesses.
  • Imaging has started doing biopsies in house.
  • Rehab Services update – Athletic training hoping to expand in the near future.
  • IT update – new print server was implemented. If you have printing issues, let Becky know.
  • Background study changes for new employees will include fingerprinting.
  • Ellen presented updates on Quality and staff changes, Kelly C. has taken a new job, last day is November 7th.
  • Kudos to all the staff involved in the car/lake accident a couple weeks ago – great team work.
  • Mark updated staff on the national patient safety goals.
  • FFE budget for Pine City building project – Mark will get a core group together and compile the list for the project.
  • Surgery now has the capacity to do up to 7 total replacements – they have been very busy.