November 2014 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

November 26, 2014

Attendance: Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Stacey Heins, Dave Schlicher, Kim Carlson, Garrett Estenson, Mark Vizenor, Randy Ulseth, Ella Stenstrom, Julie Ray, Brent Thompson, Leann McMullen, Robert Woods, Kris Bombard

Absent: Karen Renaud, Jo DeFeyter, Diane Bankers

GROWTH – Randy Ulseth

  • Senator Tony Lourey updated the Board on the upcoming Legislative Session.
  • Board accepted proposal from Eide Bailly to do our Auditor/Medicare Cost Report.
  • 3rd Quarter Quality Measure Report from Ellen
  • Bylaws are being reviewed.
  • CEO goals update was presented.
  • Marketing candidate has accepted the position – working on a start date.
  • COO – offer letter is being sent.
  • Update on the State Employee Benefit plan.
  • Ellen reviewed the Organizational Goals for 2015. More work to be done on them.
  • Employee Celebration Fund discussion – ways to celebrate wins, meeting goals, etc. Ella will be in contact with the managers on the specifics.

FINANCE – Ella Stenstrom

  • Ella presented information on the October financials. It was a great month; we are currently 3% ahead of budget. Managers are asked to still keep a handle on expenses.
  • A number of HIPAA policies need to be reviewed by all staff. Ella will email out the policies to review with departments, and if you would like Sue Belford to attend an upcoming department meeting, contact Ella and she will get something scheduled with Sue..

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • LDI Kick-off, Monday, December 1st – 8 – 4pm., Grand Casino
  • Employee survey results should be delivered to Kim on 12/5.
  • Employee appraisals – launching this week, an email will go out to all employees to get started entering his/her goals. There is also a reference guide that is very helpful. If other questions, email
  • Discussion on employees having work emails on their personal phones. It was decided it would be up to manager discretion.


  • Garrett updated happenings in Rehab Services.
  • Ella updated managers on Revenue Cycle department, Coding and HIM – working well together as a team.
  • Clinic is doing well and seeing progress on Care Goals.
  • Breast biopsies are starting to be done in Imaging. Working more with
  • Dr. Armstrong.
  • FirstLight Health System received the President’s Circle Award from the Pine Technical Foundation during the Donor Recognition night.
  • 58% of employees have received the flu vaccine.
  • Work Place Violence committee meeting was held today, November 26th.
  • Joint Commission is still coming……
  • Update on Pine City building project – working on concrete footings and foundation. Weekly construction meeting on site. Bid Package 2 was awarded on 11/18.
  • Touch free soap and towel dispensers are being installed.
  • If you still need to be Fit Tested, contact Dave Schlicher.
  • Brittany Wendorf will now be working with IT, starting Monday, December 1st.