November 2009 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

November 25, 2009

Attendance: Kim Carlson, Deb Wright, Kris Bombard, Bill Kellogg, Pat Runquist, Katie Kerr, Myrna Sampson, Fran Kacon, Sue Belford, Ellen Ryan, Bob Woods, Gordy Forbort, Chris Kimbler, Dawn Plested

Absent: Brent Thompson, Karen Renaud, Jo DeFeyter, Diane Bankers

Hospital Board Update/ Chris Kimbler

  • Dawn Plested presented a marketing update.
  • Ellen Ryan presented education on student support strategies. Kelsey Hultman, RPAP student and Katharine Scheidt, Pharm D intern gave overviews of their internship programs.
  • Nominating committee update was given.
  • Code of Conduct policy was reviewed.

Financial Update/Gordy Forbort

  • Gordy presented the financials for October.
  • Budgets are nearing completion and they will be presented to the hospital board at the December meeting. Overall, they came in reasonable – a few adjustments will be made.

COO Update/Chris Kimbler

  • Sue Belford reviewed the Portable Computing Devices policy. Employees are to check with IT with questions regarding new equipment relating to Portable Computing Devices.
  • Chris reviewed the Disruptive Behaviors policy and procedure. JCAHO requires a policy be in place that defines disruptive behavior and how it is handled in the facility – including harassment and violence in the workplace.
  • Managers are to review policy and let Chris know if changes are needed. Training and education for all staff will be completed beginning in 2010 and then annually.

Quality Update/Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen presented information on a program through Swank healthcare relating to online education. The plan is to start using it in 2010 with training to begin in January.

Human Resource Update/Kim Carlson

  • Insurance forms are due Monday, November 30th.
  • Electronic payroll stub will be available on the December 11th payroll. You may view it on the HOT SPOT page on the intranet. December 24th payroll it will go LIVE. Michelle Volk will be distributing a cheat sheet for employees to log into your account. Questions see HR.
  • A “Crash” Course event was held on Friday, November 20th sponsored through the Health Care Alliance. Over 400 area students participated highlighting the top 12 recruiting healthcare careers.
  • Performance review process was discussed. Managers can email completed evaluations to Human Resources.


  • H1N1 update was given. Weekly flu center meetings are still occurring. Updates are posted on the intranet.
  • Business Associate Agreements are being revamped to include new standards. Sue Belford and Katie Kerr are working on a list of vendors that use PHI.
  • Imprivata servers will be upgraded on Tuesday, December 2nd. If you have questions, contact Katie Kerr.
  • New business, marketing and human resource offices are almost finished. Employees will be moving to the new space the week of December 14th.
  • Reminder about Christmas decorations – check with maintenance if you are unsure what can be displayed.
  • Imaging remodel is moving forward. Next meeting with architect is December 3rd. Demolition to begin in January.
  • Hinckley Physical Therapy will be starting on Wednesday December 2nd and will be open 2 days a week, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Kris Bombard, Recorder