November 2013 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

November 27, 2013

Attendance: Myrna Sampson, Kris Bombard, Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Sue Belford, Diane Bankers, Jo DeFeyter, Randy Ulseth, Stacey Heins, Dave Schlicher, Brent Thompson, Kim Carlson, Troy Keach, Garrett Estenson, Ella Stenstrom

Absent: Mark Vizenor, Bob Woods, Karen Renaud


  • Dave Schlicher presented an Ambulance update to the Board.
  • Quality update by Ellen including PI Team Project goals 3rd quarter, Good Catch Safety Award story, and Quality Measures for 3rd quarter.
  • Nominating committee update. Next meeting is December 2nd.
  • CEO Goals for the 4th quarter were presented.


  • Ella reviewed the financials for October. Strong month for net income.
  • Budget will be presented at the December Board meeting.

QUALITY/Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen presented an update on Quality for 2014.A powerpoint presentation on the following:
    • Joint Commission will be here sometime between June 2014 and February 2015.
    • Focused Standards Assessments – will be an annual process.
    • National Patient Safety Goal 6: Improve the safety of clinical alarm system
    • Update on Quality reporting – what will be the increasing and decreasing requirements
    • Adverse Health Event Law


  • The build out space should be ready next week – it includes 9 exam rooms, 3 offices and a nurse’s station.
  • Lynne Williams is now a part of Rehab Services.
  • Nursing has been busy hiring and orientating.
  • Kudos to Heather and Felicity from Surgery for the “Good Catch”.
  • Starlight Committee is looking for three new members for 2014, managers can let Mark Vizenor know if you have candidates.
  • Department Manager Holiday get together is December 13th, 1 – 4pm.
  • Open enrollment is in full force. Please have forms completed and to Michelle by December 9th.
  • Brent gave an update on the 340B Go Live.
  • Dawn will be sending out a schedule for Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army – please let her know if you are interested in helping out.
  • Tobacco Free Policy and Adverse Health/Sentinel Event policy were reviewed
  • Ellen gave an update on the new system that will be used for Safety Reporting in 2014. More information to follow.
  • An update was given on Meaningful Use.


  • The teams of Administration, Nursing, Clinic and Support teams reported on what has been done since the last department manager meeting. Lots of positive happenings and team work.
  • Managers gave examples of various wins, rounding and managing up.