Notification 17, SW foundations and generator feeder lines//entrance closure

Notification #17

What is Happening?

Beginning September 25th

  • The SW entry door will be closed for at least 2 weeks so that KA can install additional foundations and run generator feeder lines.  All staff and EMS (external providers) will need to use the Materials Management door for entry.
    • Facilities will be reviewing badge access for this door, and at this point, everyone should have access.  If you find you do not, please contact your supervisor.
  • New fire evacuation routes have been posted, please make sure you are make yourself familiar with exits
  • There are 4 primary ways out of the building with this entrance shut down.
    • ED
    • The emergency exit down the HR hallway
    • Clinic
    • Clinic South employee door
  • June Juday has notified all external EMS personnel and the Kanabec County Sheriff’s office about this change
  • Signs along the back hallway will be directing all external EMS to the ED utilizing this hallway and the back hall way to Imaging.  Please be mindful if EMS has patients and are moving through these areas.

Who is impacted?

  • All staff
  • External EMS
  • Sheriff’s office

Who to contact if you have questions?

  • Your supervisor or manager
  • Mark Vizenor x3475
  • Diane Bankers x3522
  • June Juday x3515
  • Maintenance x3477

Thank you for your patients and cooperation during this notification.  It is anticipated to take 2 weeks, but there is always a weather factor that could change the end date, please watch for more notifications. 

Download the notification here