New Service for Patients with PAD!


We are pleased to offer a new service for patients with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)! 

Supervised Exercise Therapy (SET) for Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a Medicare approved program that operates similar to cardiac rehab.  Once an order is entered, the Rehabilitation Support Staff will electronically receive it and will contact the patient to set up the initial appointment.

Please see the details below and call x3356 with any questions.


Supervised Exercise Therapy (SET) for Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

Order #: [209287]


  • Diagnosis of PAD, ankle brachial index (ABI) < .90, and/or claudication during ambulation.

-SET PAD Program Overview:

  • Frequency: 3 sessions per week.
  • Length of Therapy: 12 weeks (up to 36 total sessions).
  • Duration: Each session will last at least 30 minutes and up to 60 minutes.
  • Exercise Modality: Treadmill and non-treadmill walking. If a patient is unable to complete this exercise, or if the duration is too short where benefits are deemed unlikely to occur, recumbent steppers and bike ergometers will be utilized.
  • Intensity: Exercise intensity will be gauged by the rate of perceived exertion based on claudication. Scale is ranked from 1-10. Patients will exercise up to an intensity of 7-9 rating of perceived exertion (RPE), rest until RPE is down to a 3 or lower, and repeat as tolerated up to 30-60 minutes.
  • EKG Monitored: Patients will not be monitored during exercise sessions.
  • Measurements: ABI will be taken both before and after exercise.
  • Assessments: Functional capacity and quality of life will be measured with the 6 minute walk test, PROMIS questionnaire, walking impairment questionnaire, and the PADQOL.

-Learning Objectives:

  • Risk factors and symptoms associated with PAD and cardiovascular disease (CVD).
  • Benefits of exercising with PAD.
  • Exercise intensity and progression.
  • How to exercise while PAD symptoms are present and when to stop exercising or rest.
  • How to exercise by themselves.

-Goals and Outcomes:

  • Target Goal: Able to walk pain-free 30-60 minutes a day, excluding rest breaks,           5-7 days per week.


  • Improve the patient’s ability to walk, in terms of both distance and speed.
  • Improve the patient’s quality of life.
  • Prevent the progression to critical leg ischemia and limb amputation.
  • Decrease the patient’s risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
  • Decrease the patient’s risk of non-fatal MI or stroke.
  • Decrease the patient’s risk of fatal MI or stroke.
  • Decrease the time to onset of claudication.

More information can be found HERE.