Mitchell Miller

Meet Mitchell Miller
Position: EMT
Start Date: 8/20/19
Birthday: 4/4
Background/Educations: I attended Apollo High School and graduated from there with my High School Diploma. During my junior and senior year of High School I attended SCTCC and was able to complete the EMT course along with almost earning my AA degree (6 credits short). During this time i was on the deans list for 3 semesters and on the presidential list for 1. I graduated high school with honors cords (accumulative GPA of 3.925). I am going back to SCTCC in the fall of 2019 to start the paramedic program, and hope to be done by spring 2021. I am on the Minnesota Mobile Medical Team as well where I further enhance my skills and help the community by providing care during times of disaster.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I am excited to learn more "real life skills" and have hands on experience with patients. I also look forward to meeting new people and coworkers.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Skyfall 2. MacGyver (not a movie but a really good TV show) 3. Hogans Hero's (note a movie but another really good TV show)
What is your favorite color? Red
Do you have a nickname? Mitch
What are your hobbies?: I enjoy doing anything outdoors, this includes fishing, hunting, and hiking. I also enjoy watching sports. I really enjoy watching hockey.