Mental Health Awareness – Connection

“Humans are wired to connect, and this connection affects our health.” Social connection affects our overall well-being, including mental health.

Our connections can bring us happiness, better health, and even a longer life! Here are some ideas to cultivate and nurture your relationships:

  • Send a text to a friend letting them know you’re thinking of them
  • Call a loved one on your way home from work to catch up
  • Listen really well!
  • Show your loved ones appreciation
  • Meet up for coffee, a walk, lunch, etc.
  • Send snail mail
  • Say hi to someone new

Join the May Challenge! Write down two specific activities you complete each week related to the theme and get a prize! Turn your completed tracking sheet (below) to Wellness no later than Friday, June 3rd.

*hint* Check your email for all the challenge details!