Meet New Surgical Tech Student – Kelsey Scofield

Meet Kelsey Scofield
Position: Surgical Tech Student
Start Date: 4/4/16
Birthday: 5/22
Background/Educations: Graduated High School from Superior High School in Superior, WI. I attended North Hennepin Community College for my generals and Hennepin Technical College for my CNA. I currently attend Rasmussen in St. Cloud in the surgical technologist program and will be graduating in September.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I am excited to be able to use what I've learned and apply it to the real world and for the great learning opportunity under the guidance of an awesome staff!
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Bridesmaids 2. American Sniper 3. Blind Side
What is your favorite color? Purple
Do you have a nickname? None
What are your hobbies?: Spending time with my family, reading, bike riding, and camping.