Meet New Student – Dustin Muller

Meet Dustin Muller
Position: Anesthesia Student
Start Date: 02/01/2016
Birthday: October 24th
Background/Educations: 2005 - 2008 Rochester Community and Technical College
2009 - 2014 Mayo Clinic, Medical Cardiac ICU
2009 - 2012 Augsburg College (BSN)
2014 - Present Minneapolis School of Anesthesia
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? Growing up in a small town (Preston, MN). I am excited to practice in a small community setting where everyone seems as though they are family.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Dumb and Dumber 2. Step Brothers 3. Superbad
What is your favorite color? Blue
Do you have a nickname? Fuzz
What are your hobbies?: Fishing, hunting, watching/playing sports, working out, netflix binging, hanging out with my fiance, friends, and family.