Meet New Clinic RN – Erika Hansen

Meet Erika Hansen
Position: Clinic RN
Start Date: 02/22/16
Birthday: 09/11
Background/Educations: LPN since 1997, recently completed ADN at Anoka Ramsey in December 2015, completed NCLEX-RN in January 2016. Continuing in BSN program at Metro State University, will be done in April 2017 and plan on getting my PHN at that time.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? Gaining experience at an RN and continuing life long employment.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Pretty Woman 2. Hope Floats 3. Sleepless in Seattle
What is your favorite color? Purple
Do you have a nickname? None
What are your hobbies?: Gardening, being with family and friends, and camping.