May Leadership Minutes

Attendance:   Brenda Moos, Sandy Zutz-Wiczek, Diane Bankers, Garrett Estenson, Stacey Heins, Leann McMullen, Robert Woods, Ellen Ryan, Randy Ulseth, Jo DeFeyter, Jill Sawyer, Brent Thompson, Kris Bombard, Julie Ray, Mark Vizenor, Becky Gallik, Karen Renaud, Heather Sanftner, Kim Tepley

Absent:          Kim Carlson, Gordy Forbort  



  • Managers shared patient experiences and wins within departments.
  • DSGW presented an updated powerpoint on the building project.
  • Demo on new BoardEffect going live for the Board in June.
  • Executive Session was held during Board meeting.
  • Financials for April were reviewed. Another good month with net revenue above



  • We have received the library of books from the Studer – they are located in Human Resources.
  • Discussion on ways to tie thank you notes to specific behaviors from our “Behaviors of Excellence.”
  • Looking to establish a “Measurement Team” to work with Ellen and Kim on LEM/Survey management along with current and future goal setting. Let Ellen know if interested.


  • Sandy gave an update on the employee parking at the Pine City Clinic – temporary helicopter landing zone, paving and striping of parking lot.
  • Ingrid Kaijage will be here June 2nd – lunch with physicians and will meet with various departments. She will start seeing patients on July 12.



  • Color my 5K – June 4th – looking for more volunteers
  • June 1st – Trauma Site visit
  • Marketing update – upcoming parades, Pine City Farmer’s Market every Friday through the end of October, Athletic Training camp – June/Mora, July/Pine City.
  • Update from nursing on daily coordination of care meetings and upcoming practice drills
  • Relay for Life – Kanabec County – June 10th
  • General surgeon search continues
  • Pharmacy update on resident accreditation survey, new resident starting in July.
  • Leann provided an update on radiology equipment and nursing/imaging workflow
  • We are fully staffed for our referral specialists
  • New chemical analyzer will be ordered for the hospital this summer
  • Rehab update included new students, new pediatric feeding program, update on Athletic trainers, Athletic training camp and cardiac event monitoring.
  • Business office update included Rycan implemention (claims and remittance processing system) is going well.
  • Teleheart will be in Pine City stating July 8th – every other Friday.
  • Excellian upgrade scheduled for 10/8 – task force kickoff in June.
  • Managers and supervisors are to show staff the active shooter video. Mark has sent a link for managers and supervisors to use. Report back to Kris Bombard when your department has completed watching it.
  • Update on moving houses that the hospital has purchased. A professional moving company is in talks with Mark Vizenor.