May 2009 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes


May 27, 2009

Attendance: Randy Ulseth, Myrna Sampson, Jo DeFeyter, Bob Woods, Kim Carlson, Kris Bombard, Deb Wright, Chris Kimbler, Karen Renaud, Ellen Ryan, Rose Ryan, Dawn Plested, Bill Kellogg, Brent Thompson, Sue Belford, Pat Runquist

Absent: Gordy Forbort, Fran Kacon, Diane Bankers

Hospital Board Update/Financial Update/Randy Ulseth

· Dawn Plested gave a demo on the Kanabec Hospital website and extranet.

· Randy presented information on the Allina collaboration – moving forward. A press release and employee meetings are being scheduled.

· Facility Planning update was given – DSGW will present a recommendation at the June Hospital Board Meeting.

· A legislative update was given.

· Information was presented on the Kanabec Hospital scholarship selection process and criteria used.

· Financial update for April was presented. Year to date looks good.

Human Resources/Kim Carlson

· Selection process for the Business Office manager is in the final stages.

· IT manager interviews are being scheduled during the next two weeks.

· Jury duty pay does not need to be turned in to HR, employees may keep the payment.

· An employee satisfaction survey will be sent out to employees the first week of July. The survey will be conducted through a third party vendor. More information forthcoming.

· Managers are reminded to let HR know when an employee will be out on leave. There are guidelines that must be used to make a determination whether or not an employee can use FMLA.

COO Update/ Chris Kimbler

· An update was given on Convenience Care. Mid June is the expected start date. Patient must meet certain criteria and it will be determined at triage.

· Dining room prices will be going up slightly beginning June 1st.

· A power point presentation was given by Chris on Disruptive Behavior and Code Of Conduct. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to establish behavior expectations that provide ethical and legal compliance, guidelines to maintain the expectations and also promote the mission and philosophy of the hospital. Education will be done for all staff.

RAC Education/Rose Ryan/Sue Belford

· A power point presentation was given to managers with education on RAC (Recovery Audit Contractors) and what to expect. RAC identifies improper Medicare payments and will begin on June 1st.

Marketing Update/Dawn Plested

· Kanabec Hospital scholarship recipients are being honored at a breakfast on June 1st.

· A community newsletter is being developed and should be completed by the end of summer. Dawn asked for departments to submit articles – she is looking for articles that are relevant to the various departments and the community.

· Center Stage Health event – Thursday, May 28th at St. Mary’s – the topic is Stroke Prevention.

· If you have events that could be used as one of the upcoming monthly Center Stage Health Events – let Dawn know.

· Healthwise is planning a community walk – Saturday, September 26th – watch for more details.


· Two new physicians will be starting in the OR – a podiatrist and a Gynecologist.

· June 3rd will be the first navigation guided total knee replacement.

· New students in Imaging and Lab. Digital mammography starting the end of June.

· Nursing intern has started.

· Representatives from the State Trauma department will be here to audit our Emergency Department on June 1st.

· Pharmacy has a summer intern starting – U of M students will start in June.

· Leadership rounding is going well, they are now visiting 10 patients per week, per team member. There has been a 99% positive response.

· There are Kanabec Hospital notes cards available – both blank and thank you notes. Stop in Materials Management if you need some.

· A survey will be given out from PT to see if there is an interest in an employee osteoporosis program.

· Anesthesia will have 2 summer interns starting.

Kris Bombard, Recorder