May 2011 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

May 25, 2011

Attendance: Pat Runquist, Fran Kacon, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Bill Kellogg, Diane Bankers, Randy Ulseth, Dawn Plested, Chris Kimbler, Ellen Ryan, , Myrna Sampson, Karen Renaud, Katie Kerr, Deb Wright, Brent Thompson, Sue Belford, Bob Woods

Absent: Jo DeFeyter, Gordy Forbort

Hospital Board/Financial Update – Randy Ulseth

  • A live demo on the telehealth stroke equipment was given to board members.
  • New physician recruitment video was viewed.
  • Pine City Clinic update includes completion of landscaping and additional parking.
  • Discussion on purchasing some additional property adjacent to the Pine City Clinic, (3 acres). An appraisal will be done before any decisions.
  • A legislative update was given and Randy encouraged board members to communicate to the legislators.
  • Discussion on a memorial in honor of Dr. Hruby.
  • Power point video on Congestive Heart Failure was presented as part of quality.
  • Financials were reviewed for April.

Emergency Operations Plan/Myrna Sampson

  • The policy and procedure for the Emergency Operation Plan has been updated. It should be reviewed with all staff. It can be found in the public folder under the Safety book.

Ergonomic Assessments/Deb Wright

  • Deb Wright reviewed the Employee Workstation Analysis policy. A reminder that the manager is responsible to schedule the appointment for his/her employee with the therapist and he/she will also need to be present during the assessment.

Communication Update/Dawn Plested

  • Dawn reviewed the communication survey results. The results indicated that email is the preferred way for employees to receive communication on various topics such as education, growth, updates from Randy and general information involving the happenings in the clinics and hospital.
  • A plan is being developed including a bi-monthly newsletter being emailed to employees, quarterly meetings with departments and all staff meetings.

Just Culture/Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen presented education on the role of “Event Investigations” and included a mid course summary of the other Just Culture areas that were presented in prior manager meetings. She presented education on managing risks in a learning environment, reporting, and investigation rules. A real life situation was role played to engage in further discussion among the managers.


  • Kathy Danielson is retiring the end of June after 35 years of service.
  • A physical therapist assistant student will be starting in June. (Bobbie Kelton)
  • PT had a record month in Pine City last month.
  • Both Lab and Imaging have students throughout the summer.
  • New X-ray equipment will be installed at the FirstLight Health Mora Clinic in late June.
  • Two potential physician candidates will be visiting next week.
  • We will be seeing some familiar faces in the nursing department, Pam Munkberg, Tim Patenode and Kerri Maser.
  • A student from St. Scholastica will be with the nursing department for a week of leadership observation, Elyse Dahlstrom.
  • Center Stage Health – Thursday, May 26th – Stroke Awareness
  • Becky Nosbush is leaving Materials Management to work at the FirstLight Health System Eye Clinic.
  • Becky and Sara will again be working on Script Logic.
  • Remodel of the Mora Eye Clinic will be starting after Memorial Day.
  • Dawn and Pat are working on reorganizing magazine racks and magazine subscriptions. If you have subscription renewals, bring them to Pat. Do not bring in magazines from home to display.
  • Hinckley picnic is scheduled for June 15th – Mike Dahlheim has sent out a sign up sheet.
  • Kids Safety Camp – June 17th
  • School physicals will be held in July at the Clinics.
  • Summer Interns will be starting on June 6th. They are: Kristin Donner, Joe Mork, Rachel Scullard, Marshall Ash, Emily Anderson and Sam Wellinski.
  • Starting June 1st, Jay Bauder from the Duluth Family Medicine Resident program will be precepting with Danielle Bergman.
  • Three first year medical students will be spending time with us this summer. Tom Kaminsky, Caroline Davis and Devon Hutton.
  • The Auxiliary approved all of the requests for funding projects and equipment.
  • Pharmacy will be having new students starting this summer.