May 2012 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

May 24, 2012

Attendance: Brent Thompson, Deb Wright, Randy Ulseth, Erik Olson, David Amundson, Fran Kacon, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Diane Bankers, Dawn Plested, Jo DeFeyter, Katie Kerr, Mark Vizenor, Karen Renaud

Absent: Pat Runquist, Bob Woods

GROWTH – Randy Ulseth

  • Randy presented information on the possibilities of forming relationships with Virginia Piper Cancer Institute and Sister Kenny Rehabilitation. He also discussed some of the opportunities they would provide for FirstLight Health System.
  • Quality update including a patient story, update on HP3, Quality Measures and patient experience.
  • Discussion on mileage reimbursement for employees when traveling. Employees are to keep track of “ACTUAL” mileage when submitting claim forms. Kim will review and update the policy on the public folder.
  • Fundraising discussion – requests for all fundraising will go through HR in an effort to establish the type of fundraising being done and also establish what the benefactor is. Employees are encouraged to use the intranet under the classified section when selling items. Additional information can be found in the Code of Conduct Policy.

FINANCE – David Amundson

  • David presented the financials for April.
  • April was a solid financial month, with the organization finishing the month above what was budgeted for revenues.

QUALITY – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen provided an update of residents and medical students that we are welcoming this summer and fall. Information is located on the intranet.
  • Ellen and a number of departments have been working on ideas for decreasing patient anxiety. Four IPADS are being purchased and available for patient use in the areas of OB and outpatient service areas with one available to check out through the IT department. June 1st is the target date.
  • A flat screen TV will be purchased for the ED waiting area with wireless headphones available.
  • Children’s Hospital and Clinic’s pediatric simulation bus will be here on Thursday, May 24th. A number of health care staff will do simulation training to prepare for medical emergencies in infants and children.


  • Imaging has a number of new students starting, four throughout the summer and one that will be here until December.
  • Facilities Operations will be back to a full staff next week.
  • Kim reminded managers the importance of acquiring all the necessary signatures on tuition reimbursement forms and the employee record form.
  • Two union contracts will be expiring at the end of 2012.
  • The scholarship breakfast was held in the board room on Thursday, May 17th.
  • Pharmacy continues to be busy with students and projects.
  • Rehab has both a PTA student and an OTA student here for 8 weeks.
  • Athletic trainer position has been filled and she will start the end of June.
  • Erik updated the managers on the overhead music. Let Erik know if you have any concerns or feedback regarding the current music.