May 2015 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

May 27, 2015

Attendance: Becky Gallik, Jo DeFeyter, Leann McMullen, Kim Tepley, Garrett Estenson, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Mark Vizenor, Sandy Zutz-Wiczek, Karen Renaud, Stacy Heins, Julie Ray, Randy Ulseth, Brent Thompson, Bob Woods, Ella Stenstrom, Diane Bankers, Heather Sanftner

Absent: Ellen Ryan, Dave Schlicher

GROWTH – Randy Ulseth

  • Auditors from Eide Bailly presented 2014 audit results to the Board – it was a successful year.
  • Discussion on Pine City Proforma for the Urgency Center
  • Building project update – both Pine City and Mora Campus planning
  • Shared thank you’ s and wins from various patients and physicians

FINANCE – Ella Stenstrom

  • Ella reviewed the financials for April. Another great month, net income was over budget, expenses were down.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Top workplace survey results will be announced the middle of June.
  • Kim gave an update on Halogen.
  • When completing staffing requisitions, please be more specific on the hours needed.
  • Interns start on Monday, June 1st.
  • Next Leadership Development Institute is scheduled for Wednesday, June 24th – Kim will be sending out information on location.
  • LEM update included information on 90 days plans, monthly meetings. If managers would like to review how to use the LEM tool, Kim will be scheduling LEM training in the next couple weeks.
  • Scholarship breakfast, Thursday – May 28th. Scholarship awards given to students from Mora, Ogilvie, Pine City and Hinckley.
  • As a Joint Commission requirement, an annual record of competencies is needed for all positions. If you have questions about how to develop a form for your department, see Kim.
  • A reminder to return new hire documents to Jody Brown in HR.
  • Please remember to update Michelle in HR when employees are out for more than 3 days – even casual employees.
  • Discussion on Employee Benefits – it was decided that CEU’s would be handled per department.


  • Clinic is interviewing for the position of a mental health RN.
  • Update on Violence prevention committee – some of the committee attended a conference in St. Cloud and brought back good information.
  • Pine City building update – moving forward.
  • Update on Environmental Services.
  • Pharmacy will have two new interns.
  • Color my 5K – Saturday, May 30 – over 650 entrees.
  • Update on internet/web building – going well.
  • Served over 700 at the community picnic.
  • Sports physicals had good turnout – Pine City is Thursday, May 28th.
  • Relay for Life – June 2nd, contact Lori Peterson for information or if interested in participating.
  • Pine County Fun Run – 8/1.
  • Training has started on CR unit in Imaging.
  • PACS installation date has not been set yet.
  • June 3rd – Hinckley community picnic.
  • Sara from IT will start her leave on June 19th
  • We received our first Chronic Care patient.
  • Minneapolis Heart Institute will be adding another physician.
  • Update on staffing in Lab.
  • Rehab services has almost doubled in size during the last three years.