May 2014 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

May 28, 2014

Attendance: Kris Bombard, Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Sue Belford, Diane Bankers, Stacey Heins, Dave Schlicher, Kim Carlson, Garrett Estenson, Mark Vizenor, Bob Woods, Jo DeFeyter, Randy Ulseth, Ella Stenstrom, Julie Ray, Brent Thompson, Troy Keach, Karen Renaud

Absent: Leann McMullen

GROWTH/Hospital Board Update – Randy Ulseth

  • Auditors presented financial report for 2013 – overall very good year.
  • Pine City Pharmacy and Pine City expansion update.
  • CEO Goals and patient experience goals and progress were reviewed.
  • Surgery update – moving forward, waiting on equipment to arrive.

FINANCE – Ella Stenstrom

  • Ella presented information on M-files – invoice approval and capital requests are going electric and will be submitted and approved thorough m-files. Contact Ella or Steph Sott if you need instruction on how the process works.
  • Ella Reviewed changes that are occurring in the Business Office and HIS. They will go into effect June 2nd.
  • April financials were reviewed – departments did a great job of cost control.

QUALITY – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen presented apowerpoint overview on the upcoming Joint Commission Survey.
  • Information was presented on the 2014 AHRA Safety Culture that FirstLight will be participating in. Results will be shared in August.


  • Discussion was held on the next steps for the Evidence Based Leadership. Executive Leadership will be meeting to develop a plan.
  • Employee forums are scheduled for June 5th and June 9th. Topics include strategic plan, building options, financial conditions, evidence based leadership and there will be a time for questions.


  • June 27th – Team Care presentation from Allina.
  • June 25 and June 26 – Care Goal basics for Clinic Staff.
  • Cola inspection will take place in Mora on June 12th.
  • Jo DeFeyter updated staff on what days surgeons will be in house.
  • HIPAA reminders will be emailed out to staff as well as posted on the intranet. Any questions regarding privacy, security or HIPAA, contact Sue Belford.
  • IT office has been remodeled and painted. Reminder to staff to put in help tickets with computer, printing, phone or other IT-related issues.
  • There will be 11 student interns starting next week. Reminder to submit a request for access if needed. There were two FLHS scholarship recipients – one from Mora and one from Pine City.
  • Reminder to submit paperwork to HR if an employee is out for more than 3 days.