May 2013 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

May 2013

Attendance: Randy Ulseth, David Amundson, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Becky Gallik, Sue Belford, Mark Vizenor, Pat Runquist, Diane Bankers, Bob Woods, Jo DeFeyter, Karen Renaud

Absent: Brent Thompson, Garrett Estenson

GROWTH – Randy Ulseth

  • Update on Allina CEO Summit. Topics included managing risk, collaborative relationships, and observation management.
  • Studer Conference update – “Taking You and Your Organization to the Next Level”.
  • Ambulance Services Update.

FINANCE – David Amundson

  • April was a solid month. Great job of controlling operating expenses.
  • Deliveries were up, patient surgeries were up.
  • David updated managers on the training hours being allocated to 10.7020.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Kim provided an Employee Partnership update. Managers are to send items they have identified as areas of opportunity along with Action plans to Kim.
  • Employee Leaves were discussed. Managers are to notify HR/Michelle Volk when employees are out for hospitalization or the care of a spouse or a family member for more than 3 days. There are certain guidelines that must be met. Human Resources has a yellow laminated card with information that can be used as a guideline, contact HR if you need one.
  • Discussion on policy and procedures – how do we notify and document employees reviewing changes to a process or policy and procedure. The policy and procedure committee is reviewing M-files as a possibility. More information forthcoming.

QUALITY – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen had the opportunity to participate in an “Executive Education in Nursing Leadership” program through the College of St. Thomas. She presented a powerpoint presentation on the development of Balanced Scorecards.


  • Randy shared some examples of his rounding including visits with physicians, employees and managers.
  • Managers shared examples of his/her rounding experiences.
  • Randy asked that managers get out and round with staff during the next month. Department manager meeting in June will include sharing Wins and rounding experiences.


  • Update on negotiations.
  • Cardiac monitoring education/training has started.
  • Kids Safety camps will be held in August for Pine City and Hinckley.
  • Sports clinic in July.
  • We received the Women’s Choice Award for the Regions Best Hospital for patient experience.
  • Community wide picnic for Hinckley is July 10 and August 14 for Pine City.
  • Sue gave an update on the 4 employees in HIS receiving degrees or certificates.
  • During the month of May, the OB department has been extremely busy delivering babies.
  • Emergency Department was recognized by Abbott for delivering optimal timely care for heart attack patients, great job!!!!