March 2012 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

March 28, 2012

Attendance: Brent Thompson, Deb Wright, Randy Ulseth, Erik Olson, David Amundson, Mark Vizenor, Fran Kacon, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Bob Woods, Diane Bankers, Karen Renaud, Dawn Plested, Jo DeFeyter,

Absent: Katie Kerr, Pat Runquist, Sue Belford

GROWTH – Board Update – Randy Ulseth

  • The 2011 financial statements and 2011 audit results were presented to the board by the auditors from Clifton Larson/Allen.
  • A Quality update was presented including a patient story, a grant summary update, rural health clinic status update and a video on TCAB. Ellen also reviewed Performance Improvement team projects and the MHA Safe Campaign summary.
  • Discussion was held on FirstLight Health System’s management structure and an update was presented on the regional hospital activities.

FINANCE – David Admundson

  • David presented the financials for February.
  • Patient days, inpatient and outpatient surgeries were reviewed.

SERVICE – Dawn Plested

  • Dawn presented a power point presentation titled “Patient Satisfaction Journey”. The presentation included the difference between patient satisfaction and customer satisfaction along with the various factors that contribute to patient satisfaction.
  • The survey results from the 2010 market survey were reviewed.
  • An internal patient satisfaction survey with various questions relating to key indicators of health care patient satisfaction was distributed to managers. Dawn asked that departments complete it by the middle of next week and return it to her.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

  • Kim is working on developing an organization-wide policy on inclement weather. She will let managers know when it has been completed so that it may be reviewed with staff.
  • Discussion on years of service and recognition for employees. If you have any thoughts or ideas – you can let Kim know.
  • FirstLight Health System Week – May 6 – 12th. Events are planned for each day of the work week. There will also be a community picnic in Pine City and Hinckley in June and July.
    • Monday – Manager breakfast
    • Tuesday – Employee gifts
    • Wednesday – Community picnic
    • Thursday – TBD
    • Friday – Celebrate your department and thank you notes

QUALITY – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen reviewed HP3 – there are two newly created employment opportunities posted on the intranet relating to the HP3 program. Staff is encouraged to check the intranet for the openings.
  • Auxiliary fund requests – the auxiliary would like to use some of their money to purchase equipment or furnishings for the organization. If you have ideas – you are asked to fill out an auxiliary request form and return it to Ellen. Ellen will be presenting the requests to the Auxiliary the second Monday of April.
  • Compliance training is now an annual requirement for all employees. It has been added to OLE as part of annual education.
  • Rural Health Clinic status update – survey went well – only a couple of minor action items to be completed.


  • Erik Olson is an official FirstLight Health System employee as of Friday.
  • Dr. Spight started in the OR on Wednesday – 4 cases
  • Pharmacy will be hosting a few students on an upcoming Friday as part of Academic Day at the U of M.
  • Dennis Faith has signed – he will be starting in August
  • New maintenance service requests have been developed and are on the intranet – using only electronic tickets.
  • Kim will be interviewing 23 summer intern students for 10 positions – all of which will be part time.
  • MCE – 7 students are interested, 6 positions available. Kim is working on this.
  • Center Stage Heath Care Event for March was a huge success – 20 individuals registered for the event and 5 appointments were set up following presentation.
  • Prostate Event is topic for May Center Stage Event.
  • Kids Camp set for June 15th – it will also be offered in Pine City and Hinckley
  • Dawn is working on developing and organizing a volunteer program that would be involved with community activities within our service area. More information to come.
  • Physical Therapy has a student here for 8 weeks from St. Kate’s