March 2011 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes


March 23, 2011

Attendance: Myrna Sampson, Kim Carlson, Kris Bombard, Deb Wright, Sue Belford, Dawn Plested, Katie Kerr, Chris Kimbler, Diane Bankers, Pat Runquist, Brent Thompson, Karen Renaud, Bill Kellogg

Absent: Jo DeFeyter, Gordy Forbort, Bob Woods, Fran Kacon

Hospital Board/Financial Update – Chris Kimbler

  • Quality report was presented by Ellen.
  • Strategic planning was discussed. A strategic planning session will be scheduled in the fall of 2011.
  • Financials for February were reviewed.

COO Update – Chris Kimbler

  • Discussion was held on travel and education expenses. Managers are to review the relevance and timing of the requested education. This is an area that can be controlled and also impacts the organization’s bottom line.
  • Discussion on student housing and how we can best manage and support the number of students requesting a place to stay during his/her internship. A process is being developed.
  • A policy and procedure on Conflict Resolution HCP was presented. It will be located in the public folder under Administration.
  • The policy and procedure on Attendance and Tardiness was reviewed. With a larger facility and more employees, managers are reminded to review and monitor tardiness and absenteeism. Kim Carlson noted that there is NOT any seven minute rule for punching in – everyone should be punching in at his/her correct starting time.

Human Resource Update – Kim Carlson

  • Kim reviewed the policy on mileage between sites – managers are to review and share with staff.
  • The employee handbook has been updated and is available in the Policy and Procedure/Human Resource folder. All employees have been assigned a course in OLE (on-line education) to review the handbook and acknowledge they have received the information. It is to be reviewed within the next 30 days.
  • Discussion on the number of MCE students that are interested in the program. It has been decided that we will continue to allow the same number of students as in the past.

Just Culture Education – Ellen Ryan

  • Ellen presented education and strategies on Improving the reliability of Humans and Improving the reliability of Systems. Managers presented examples of human errors within departments.


  • Bill reported that there is some minor remodeling taking place in nursing administration and the rehab department.
  • Sue reported that a form is being developed to help with security access.
  • Dawn is working on an employee communication survey.
  • Good Friday is the recognized holiday for Easter.
  • A table top emergency preparedness drill will be held on March 30th.
  • The forms and applications have been submitted for the Rural Health clinics. Waiting to hear back at which time a survey will be scheduled for Pine City and Hinckley.
  • Joint Commission could be here for a survey anytime before October. The survey will be two days with two people from Joint Commission.