March 2013 – Department Manager Meeting Minutes

April 3, 2013

Attendance: Randy Ulseth, David Amundson, Myrna Sampson, Stacey Heins, Kris Bombard, Kim Carlson, Ellen Ryan, Karen Renaud, Sue Belford, Garrett Estenson, Sara Slotness, Erik Olson, Mark Vizenor, Brent Thompson

Absent: Pat Runquist, Diane Bankers, Bob Woods, Jo DeFeyter, Dawn Plested

GROWTH – Randy Ulseth

  • Rebecca Lewis from DSGW presented updated drawings and information on the clinic build out project.
  • Legislative update presented by Randy.
  • Ambulance Services discussion.
  • Randy discussed the transition process due to Erik’s departure.

FINANCE – David Amundson

  • Good volumes for February, similar to December and January.
  • David commended departments for keeping expenses down during January and February.

PEOPLE – Kim Carlson

    • FLHS dress code policy discussion was held. Managers should discuss the importance of leading by example with his/her employees.
    • Tuition/seminar program was discussed. There is a draft policy being developed. More information forthcoming.
    • Discussion was held on policy and procedure review and the process used to assure that the employees have reviewed departmental and organization policies on a yearly basis or when a change has been made to a policy. Kim has contacted other facilities and will present more information at a future meeting.
    • Employee partnership update – round table discussion on how things are going in departments that have met with staff and identified areas of opportunity. Engage employees to identify goals and track the progress. Contact Kim if you need help with anything.


  • Mark discussed the parking issues that are occurring due to the additional staff working on the Excellian project. Suggestion to park over at Grace Lutheran or St. Mary’s parking lots to help open up spaces in front of hospital. He will communicate changes as needed.


  • Managers shared examples of patient care experiences and stories of patient satisfaction, employee experiences and many positive outcomes they encountered throughout the month
  • A powerpoint presentation on “Employee Rounding – Rounding for Outcomes” was presented by Kim.
  • Next assignment – Rounding. Managers will discuss results at the next manager meeting in April.


    • April 24 – Auxiliary lunch at Bowe’s.
    • Blood Drive, April 17th.
    • Hospital week – May 13 – 17.
    • Excellian kick of May 5th – will involve all super users and leads.
    • Department Manager meeting will start at 9 am. on Wednesday, April 24th.
    • Business Associate Agreement policy done, Sue is working on Notice of Privacy Practice.