Lindsey (Stormy) Husnick

Meet Lindsey (Stormy) Husnick
Position: Community Pharmacy Intern
Start Date: 6/6/16
Birthday: 5/22
Background/Educations: I graduated from Braham Area High School and I am currently attending North Dakota State University. I have completed two years of pre-pharmacy education and will start NDSU's pharmacy program this fall.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I am excited to learn from the amazing Pine City Pharmacy staff and serve FirstLight's patients.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. The Proposal 2. The Best of Me 3. The Last Song
What is your favorite color? Blue
Do you have a nickname? Stormy
What are your hobbies?: I love hanging out on the lake, playing volleyball, and watching netflix.