Leadership Minutes September 2015

Leadership Minutes
September 23, 2015

Attendance:   Becky Gallik, Leann McMullen, Kim Tepley, Garrett Estenson, Kris Bombard, Mark Vizenor, Sandy Zutz-Wiczek, Karen Renaud, Stacy Hein, Randy Ulseth, Diane Bankers, Heather Sanftner, Ellen Ryan

Absent: Bob Woods, Jo DeFeyter, Kim Carlson, Julie Ray, Brent Thompson, Brenda Moos, Jill Sawyer, Dave Schlicher

  • ADMINISTRATION -Randy Ulseth
  • Cindy Teichroew was available to provide flu shots to the managers.
  • Managers shared wins within his/her departments and also shared comments from the NRC surveys.
  • DSGW presented at the September Board meeting. They provided a wrap up of the Pine City Clinic and presented information on the Mora Campus planning and next steps.
  • CEO goal update was presented by Randy
  • Financials for July and August were reviewed. Gross revenue and net revenue are over budget. Operating expenses are under budget – great job team!
  • Discussion on participating in the Evidence Based Leadership Conferences. Consensus was to participate virtually, tentative dates February 2016. More information to come.
  • COO UPDATE/Sandy Zutz-Wiczek
  • Physician updates – Dr. Fleming’s last day is September 28th, and Dr. Armstrong’s last day is October13th.
  • Denise Larson, DO will be starting October 16th – she is a wound care physician.
  • Donner will be working in Pine City starting November 10th – he will continue to do rounding in the hospital until the end of 2015.
  • Pine City Urgency Services grand opening – October 5th. Lot of activities planned along with tours and a light meal. Look for additional communication in the next few days.
  • Pine City Pharmacy will be closed on Saturday, October 3rd to move to the new space at the Pine City Clinic.
  • QUALITY – Ellen Ryan
  • Ellen reviewed the importance of departments submitting his/her community benefits on a timely basis and discussed what is still needed. If you need clarification, contact her. Community Benefits is extremely important to our organization.
  • RPAP student will be here starting October 12th, Jay Allen.
  • Ellen updated managers on new providers that will be working in the ED
  • Athletic trainers have contracted with 6 schools
  • Pediatric Occupational therapy has started.
  • Bill Asmus has started as the new environmental service supervisor
  • Reminder to complete the Clinical Alarm Assessments – if you have questions, contact Mark Vizenor. It is one of the National Patient Safety Goals.
  • Leann gave an update on imaging happenings in Pine City, Hinckley and the hospital. Training on new equipment is also being completed.
  • Intranet is up and running – great job! Any concerns or questions, contact Kim Tepley
  • Sandy and Dr. Weeks have been completing interviews with prospective PA’s for the Pine City Urgency Services – going well.
  • IT will now have extended hours M – F – 7:00 am – 5:30 p.m.
  • Lab went live with the new analyzers at Pine City.
  • Waiting on COLA inspection – inspectors should be here by October 15th.