Leadership Minutes – June 2016

Brenda Moos, Sandy Zutz-Wiczek, Diane Bankers, Garrett Estenson, Stacey Heins, Leann McMullen, Robert Woods, Ellen Ryan, Randy Ulseth, Jill Sawyer, Brent Thompson, Kris Bombard, Julie Ray, Mark Vizenor, Becky Gallik, Karen Renaud, Heather Sanftner, Kim Tepley

Absent:          Jo DeFeyter, Gordy Forbort

Presentation on Board Effect and equipment was distributed to Board members.
2016 Legislative Session update presented by Randy.
Financials for May were reviewed. Expenses were a bit over budget and the bottom line was above budget.


Department of Human Services is changing the process for background studies. All new employees will need to be fingerprinted and photographed. Kim is looking into partnering with Kanabec County and/or others. More information to come.
Evaluations are almost all completed – great job!
Update on Workplace survey.
LDI – July 28th, Braham Community Center – discussion on items that will be on the agenda. Materials will be sent out closer to the meeting.


The Run, Hide, Fight Video has been reviewed by 99% of all departments.
Department Manager Safety review will be distributed in the near future and will focus on chemical inventories.


  • Health Care Home survey from MDH is on Thursday, June 23rd.
    Randy requested that at the August Leadership meeting – managers bring a “take away” to the meeting from the Studer Leadership books they have each selected.
    Karen gave an update on Lab happenings.
    Hinckley parade July 9th – looking for volunteers to be in the parade.
    Pine City Urgency Center seeing about 15 patients a day. They have had three air transfers.
    Nursing services update – three new RN’s, a capstone student, summer intern and a new CNA have been hired.
    Room service goes live July 18th
    Imaging update included breast cancer screening, new equipment for the radiology room, patient satisfaction, inpatient imaging workgroup, and materials management workgroup.
    Two new pieces of equipment are going into the eye clinic.
    Audiologist will start seeing patients in September in Pine City.
    Ingrid will start in Pine City on July 13th – 3 ½ days in Pine, 1 day in Hinckley.
    Same Day clinic process and hours are changing in July – will go to 5 days, from 11- 8, straight walk ins.
    Update on Rehab Services included Behaviors of Excellence sections, upcoming lunch and learn, wound care, helicopter field landings in Pine City and an update on EEG’s.
    IT will be converting to Internet Explorer 11. New encryption process is going well with laptops, SISU updating their help ticket process
    Time and Attendance software is almost ready to test. Will roll out later this summer.
    Keogh will start in the ED July 11.
    Jill Sawyer spoke at the Rural Health Conference in Duluth on June 20th.
    Brenda Moos gave an update on the Rycan implementation.
    Pre-Natal will be starting classes in Pine City in September or October
    Jo Defeyter’s last day is June 30th – wish her well in her retirement.
    Update on Baby Friendly – promoting best practices – breast feeding and golden hour.