Leadership Minutes – August 2016

Attendance:   Brenda Moos, Sandy Zutz-Wiczek, Diane Bankers, Garrett Estenson, Stacey Heins, Leann McMullen, Robert Woods, Ellen Ryan, Randy Ulseth, Brent Thompson, Julie Ray, Karen Renaud, Heather Sanftner, Kim Tepley

Absent:          Jill Sawyer, Becky Gallik, Kris Bombard, Mark Vizenor


  • Managers shared experiences from the Studer books they selected.

  • Patient experiences and wins were shared including Good Catch Award, weekend care, women’s health event in Pine City, and leadership rounding.
  • Update on FLHS collaboration with Mora schools on a Fieldhouse/wellness center
  • CEO goals update
  • Financial update for June and July – year to date – over budget on net operating revenue due to growth.
  • Update on the USDA financing – target for submitting package – October 1

COO UPDATE – Sandy Zutz-Wiczek

  • Patient Access Center opened on Monday, August 22nd and should help with CGCAHPS scores
  • Dr. Kampa to start 9/12/16
  • Dr. Gaalswyk – will start the end of September 


  • Annual education update – 64% complete. Will send out an email to managers with list of employees that still have incomplete assignments.


  • Kim demonstrated the Tool Kit as follow up to the Leadership Development Institute that was held on July 28th.


  • Kim gave an update on contract negotiations
  • Ads have been placed for clinic, hospital and OR nursing
  • Ellen will send out the new primary care medical home questions that were added to the clinic surveys
  • Leann shared the breast cancer screening goal of 82%
  • Room 1 in radiology is now digital
  • MRI hours have been expanded
  • Pine City Clinic saw 337 imaging patients in June
  • MRI helium loss was reviewed
  • Kim updated on marketing happenings, thanking employees for the help with parades. She will be organizing a float committee in January of 2017.
  • Construction campaigns are underway
  • Patty Lind received recognition from the American Pharmacy Association
  • New chemical analyzer has arrived
  • Lab stats are up 12%
  • Update on nursing students from Pine Tech, and Capstone requests from SCSU, NDSU
  • ICU room 653 has been converted to an environmentally safer room for patients
  • Julie Ray gave an update on the call center and urgency services new employee appreciation.
  • New surgery manager – Lisa Raths starting September 12th
  • Health Care Home certification – approved.
  • Garrett presented updates on hand therapy referrals, video fluoroscopy now available, echocardiograms available on Mondays and Thursdays. Wound therapy moving to hospital service department.
  • Dr. Kaijage has 15 current OB patients – full schedule of 18 – 20 patients/day.
  • Dr.Christina Kramer – adding Wednesdays – OB/GYN
  • Joshua Asp has accepted the position on VP of Finance and will start on September 26th.