Kylee Ramos

Meet Kylee Ramos
Position: Screening Team Member
Start Date: 08/19/20
Birthday: 11/07
Background/Educations: Originally from California. I was born and raised there. I am a wife and a mother. My family and I moved to Minnesota in 2015, and love it here. I am a high school graduate with some college education.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I am most excited about being able to interact with both new and familiar faces here at Welia Health.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. The Notebook 2. Now and Then 3. War Room
What is your favorite color? Red
Do you have a nickname? Kiki
What are your hobbies?: Some hobbies I enjoy are : attending sporting events for my children as well as professional, cooking, makeup, going to the movies, being outdoors, horseback riding, and four-wheeling.