Kori Klaysmat

Meet Kori Klaysmat
Position: PT Student
Start Date: 10/5/20
Birthday: 3/15
Background/Educations: Undergraduate Degrees in Exercise Science and German from the University of Minnesota Duluth. Currently attending College of Scholastica in the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? That there are so many different opportunities to experience in patient care and learn about the field of physical therapy.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Any Harrry Potter or Star Wars 2. Pride and Prejudice 3. She's the Man
What is your favorite color? Blue
What are your hobbies?: I love sports, my favorite is soccer. I am a die-hard MN sports fan and love to watch or go to games. I love to read and play piano and violin. I also love spending time outdoors hiking, camping, and spending time at the lake.