Kallie Baumgartner

Meet Kallie Baumgartner
Position: PT Student
Start Date: 9/30/19
Birthday: 3/9
Background/Educations: I am a 3rd year physical therapy student at the College of Scholastica. This will be my 3rd internship.
What are you excited about working at Welia Health? I had the opportunity to have my first internship at FirstLight Health System in Pine City. I am excited to be back in the area and work in the inpatient setting for this internship.
What are your three favorite movies? 1. Gone Girl 2. Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Lion King
What is your favorite color? Purple
Do you have a nickname? Kal
What are your hobbies?: I enjoy running, reading, baking, and traveling in my spare time.